The fastest way to learn (it’s NOT by studying)

Beau D. Schultz
2 min readOct 29, 2022

So Alex Hormozi said something that blew my mind…

He said he learned 99% of everything he knows from actually DOING it. Rather than just studying it.

And it reminded me of something the late Felix Dennis, the founder of Maxim magazine, said in his book How to Get Rich (paraphrased)…

Great execution is infinitely more important than a great idea. Execution is everything. In fact, if your execution is perfect, it hardly MATTERS what your idea is.

Interesting, eh?

I can personally attest to this…

Because when I stopped just studying copywriting and email marketing and started actually DOING it, I learned more in 3 months than I did in 3 years of studying it.

But we tend to fall into our old familiar patterns, and I still find myself overthinking and “strategizing” about my business, my offer, etc., instead of DOING.

So I’m trying to get back to that, and to stop over-thinking and over-studying, and focus more on DOING.

Since that’s the only way to actually get better at any skill.

For example, if you’re working on an offer, you can read $100M Offers until you’re blue in the face (like I have)… or you can actually work on your offer.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t study — that’s important too, but only once you’re actually DOING the thing.

As Alex Hormozi (there’s that name again) said, you can read a book on sales…

But unless you’re actually DOING sales appointments every day, the information inside won’t “stick” and you won’t know how to apply it.

So you’re not able to even RECEIVE the information you’re studying until you start practicing and actually doing the thing you’re studying about.

That’s why I’m a big believer in starting your own list and writing your own daily emails as an email copywriter.

Because it allows you to get the reps in and improve far faster than you would if you just sit around studying all day (or hand-copying sales letters — that doesn’t count as “doing” in my opinion).

That’s how I see it, anyway. But you do you :)

Beau D. Schultz



Beau D. Schultz

I write daily musings about copywriting, marketing, and entrepreneurship.