The most emotional conversation I’ve EVER had (I almost cried)

Beau D. Schultz
4 min readOct 26, 2022

So I recently had a conversation with a copywriter who replied to one of my emails and asked me if I offer coaching.

And as it turns out, I’ve actually been developing an email mentorship program for email copywriters.

So I told him about it.

And he told me he was interested in potentially becoming my first student.

So we scheduled a chat to go over the details and discuss it.

But when we jumped on the call, I could tell something was wrong…

His voice was a bit shaky, and his camera was turned off.

So I asked him if he could turn his camera on so we could see each other.

But his response surprised me…

“Uhh… I’m going through some personal stuff right now. Is it okay if I don’t turn it on?”

I was taken aback. Personal stuff? 🤔

“That’s fine,” I told him, “But is now a bad time to talk? We can reschedule if you need…”

“No, no… I WANT to have this call with you.”

What he said next SHOCKED me…

“I just discovered that my girlfriend has been cheating on me for a long time.”



I froze, and my heart sank.

After a long pause, I spoke in a low, slow voice…

“I’m so, so sorry to hear that man.”

I gave him my condolences and support.

“Some people believe everything happens for a reason. Do you believe that?” I asked him.

“Absolutely I do, brother,” he replied, “And I know there are much better things ahead of me. Which is why I reached out to you. I’m determined to change my life now, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes.”

He mentioned he works in a 9–5 job that he hates, and his goal is to quit it and achieve his freedom.

He told me freedom is his number-one goal.

And he told me he was interested in becoming my first student because he could sense that I would give my all, and hold nothing back. So he wanted to discuss the details and learn more.

So I asked him some questions, and found out about his goals…

And I created a plan for him, went over the curriculum, and told him everything that’s included.

Then we worked out the payment details.

And he agreed, and we made the deal.

At the end, I told him…

“Bro, you realize this is your origin story, right?”

I continued…

“This is literally THE story you’re going to tell in the future when you’re looking back at how far you’ve come.”

He chuckled. “Yeah, that’s true!” he said.

It was one of the most emotional and powerful conversations I’ve had in my life.

And although I was sad for him, and empathized with his situation…

I was more excited and happy for him…

Because of his determination to change his life… and his willingness to take accountability and extreme ownership of his situation… and his initiative to reach out to ME personally, and choose me as a mentor…

It was incredibly inspiring and moving on a deeply visceral level. I almost teared up 🥹

And even though he’s at rock bottom now, it cleared the way for much better things ahead. He’s got a ton of potential, and this was the motivational impetus for him to unlock it.

So after we got off the call, I felt a tremendous surge of meaning.

THIS is my calling. THIS is what I’m meant to do.

It’s a lot of weight and responsibility on my shoulders, and I take it very seriously.

But I deeply CARE about him, I KNOW I can help him, and I’m freaking PUMPED to help him on his journey.

And as long as he’s willing to put in the work, and do whatever it takes to make it happen…

I’m willing to do the same, and I’ll stop at nothing to help this guy succeed.

So take what you will from this…

But if you’re an email copywriter in need of a dedicated 1-on-1 email mentor who’s got your back…

A coach who’s personally in your corner, on your side, and who’s been exactly in the same place you’re in now…

To take your hand and help guide you along your journey to freedom…

Then get in touch with me and I’ll give you the details.

This is a unique new program that’s unlike anything on the market (as far as I’m aware of).

It’s based on the no-BS, proven principles of “deliberate practice” (which is the most effective, scientific method to rapidly improve at any skill, and is backed by mountains of research).

And you’ll be learning by actually DOING, under my careful guidance and with laser-precise feedback every step of the way.

There’s no strings attached and zero pressure. I don’t roll like that. The decision is freely yours, and YOU decide if you want to move forward or not.

My first few pre-launch students will get an extra sweet deal…

And I will only ever take on qualified students I’m 100% certain I can help.

So if that’s something you’re potentially interested in learning more about, all you gotta do is reach out and say “maybe,” and I’ll give you the details of the program so you can learn more and make an informed decision.

With love,

Beau D. Schultz

​​P.S. Just FYI, I asked for his permission to tell this story, and he read and approved this email before I sent it out.



Beau D. Schultz

I write daily musings about copywriting, marketing, and entrepreneurship.